Voice Mode
The Voice Mode features 100 authentic voices, many of which have special preset characteristics or embellishments.
Advanced Wave Memory (AWM)
100 AWM voices, utilizing digital recordings of actual instruments.
Dual Voices
Dual Voices have two voices layered together for ensemble sounds. Dual Split Voices have two voices, but rather than being layered, each is played from a different range of the keyboard.
Music Styles
The Style Mode provides a combination of a Voice and Rhythm/Accompaniment pattern for various popular music styles.
Bass Chord Hold
Bass Chord Hold generates a chord and bass in the lower part of the keyboard, based on the note or notes being played and “holds” it while the chord is being played. When the Bass Chord Hold is selected, the Synchro Start function will not work, nor does the rhythm run. If Bass Chord Hold is selected while a rhythm pattern is playing, the rhythm will stop.
Song Mode
The Song Mode features demonstration songs and jam track patterns that have been created using the accompaniment feature of the PSR150. The songs in Song Mode are for listening enjoyment or to be played along with using the Minus-One function. Minus-One, as its name implies, takes away the melody part of the song, allowing the user to fill-in. The jam track patterns let the user “jam” or play along with a variety of rhythm and chord styles.